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Code of conduct


Women Independent Producers aims to foster a community of support and mutual respect. To that end, the following code of conduct has been developed to maintain our community. As a member, you agree to these terms, so we encourage you to read them and contact us if you have any questions.


As a member of Women Independent Producers (WIP), I commit to:

  • Honoring & respecting that WIP is an exclusive and safe environment for women-identified producers to share their industry and professional experiences openly in a supportive, non-disparaging and judgment free environment. This includes all WIP monthly soirees and other member only meetings, events, and digital forums.

  • Recognizing WIP as a resource for my individual career and to be a resource to uplift the careers of my fellow members and community.

  • Joining a movement for gender parity and overall equality within the entertainment and media industries.

  • Contributing to a collective space by sharing my knowledge and making space for others to do the same.

  • Understanding and accepting that WIP is a professional group that fosters individual networking that may lead to personal or work-related collaborations and partnerships with other members. However, as an organization, WIP is not legally responsible for any collaborations that may result, nor will WIP participate in any personal or professional disputes among members who have chosen to work or collaborate together.

  • Always conducting myself professionally towards other members – even if I am in a disagreement or professional dispute with another member. All professional conflicts will be handled outside of WIP meetings, events or digital forums, by my legal advisor and at my financial expense, and no hearsay or disparaging language of another member during such WIP-sponsored events will be tolerated.

  • Treating WIP staff, interns, volunteers (including, but not limited to Board members, panelists, mentors, jurors, etc.), and other members with mutual respect and courtesy. This includes respecting boundaries, service, and time. I understand that abuse and harmful language will not be tolerated.

  • Combatting discrimination, racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, ageism, classism, and other structural oppressions experienced by people of intersectional identities in our community. I thereby commit to:

    • Not using or exhibiting oppressive, insensitive, disrespectful language or behavior at WIP meetings or events,

    • Informing WIP staff if I hear or experience oppressive, insensitive, or disrespectful language or behavior at WIP meetings, events, or in digital forums so they can address it accordingly, and

    • Upholding these commitments throughout the wider industry to the best of my ability.

      • Supporting WIP as an advocacy and professional organization and recognizing that my dues contribute to that support.

    • Alerting the board members if a WIP member or guest does not adhere to this code of conduct in a manner to inform and support WIP, and not disparage said member or guests. And I will abide by the decisions and actions by the WIP Board in the matter after it is addressed.

I understand that in response to any violations of this code of conduct, WIP may:

  • Challenge offensive, disrespectful or disparaging language used,

  • Ask me to leave an event or space, and/or

  • Revoke or suspend my membership and ability to attend soirees, events or participate on any digital WIP platform or forum.

Any decision to suspend or revoke a membership will be at the careful discretion and majority vote of the WIP Board.


© 2025 Women Independent Producers

a 501(c)6 nonprofit membership organization

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